Using Modules
Using Module with NetExec
Using Modules
Viewing Available Modules for a Protocol
Run nxc <protocol> -L
to view available modules for the specified protocol.
For example to view all modules for the SMB protocol:
Using a Module
Run nxc <protocol> <target(s)> -M <module name>
For example to run the SMB Mimikatz module:
Viewing Module Options
Run nxc <protocol> -M <module name> --options
to view a modules supported options, e.g:
Using Module Options
Module options are specified with the -o
flag. All options are specified in the form of KEY=value (msfvenom style)
🆕 Running Multiple Modules
Simply define all the modules you want, each proceeded by a -m
option flag:
nxc <protocol> <target(s)> -u Administrator -p 'P@ssw0rd' -M spooler -M printnightmare -M shadowcoerce -M petitpotam
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